Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Game Wednesdays - Battleships!

Hey there

Last Wednesday I did a review on a video game from the 90’s based on Super Mario game. This time we will venture into the games that is from the physical world.

While searching for ideas for a game, I remember watching a movie on television called Battleships. Yes the one with Liam Neeson in it!  So I thought why not have a review about the board game that was a hit (pun intended).

This game was really popular back during the early 90’s and still popular now you can say. It’s a type of game you would play on a rainy day or whenever you like. I remember playing this game a lot when I was a kid growing up.

Battleships is a two player game which consisted of a board and some ships to accompany you with to battle. The objective was to destroy all of the enemy ships on the sea board to win the game!. If you were lucky enough to hit the smaller size ships it would make the game so much easier.

Here was one of the electronic talking model for battleships made by Milton Bradley and released in 1989. 

The voice functions of this board game was quite memorable. I kind of enjoyed the sound effects when a missile had hit one of my enemy’s ships. 

 Did you remember a phrase that became popular from this game…? 

Pretty funny right!?
There is too many reference to this quote, just proves how popular this game was.

Here is one of the electronic battleships commercials featured in 1993.


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